Marriage license in odessa texas
Marriage license in odessa texas

If received from one of the persons on the license, the recording process will happen while you wait.

#Marriage license in odessa texas license#

Once the ceremony has been performed and the license completed, the recording process can be expedited by the license being hand-delivered to one of our 8 locations.For more information visit the Twogether in Texaswebsite or your officiant.

marriage license in odessa texas

  • The fee is $15 for couples who attend the State of Texas approved Marriage Education Class and present a printed and valid Twogether in Texas Certificate or similar premarital counseling course certificate.
  • (Credit card use adds an additional 1.73 percent fee.) The fee is $75 cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover. If the 30-day waiting period is waived, a certified copy must be presented at the time the license is purchased. If divorced, there is a 30-day waiting period after the divorce is final before remarriage-unless waived. The marriage must take place within 90 days from the date of issuance-no exceptions. Certificate must be printed and shown to the person issuing the marriage license, as well as to who performs the ceremony. The waiting period does not apply if the applicants possess a valid Twogether in Texas certificate or a premarital counseling certificate from a known counselor. Waiver must be shown and kept by the person performing the ceremony. The waiting period does not apply if the applicant obtains a 72-hour waiver signed by a District Judge. Military ID must be shown to the person who performs the marriage ceremony. The waiting period does not apply if an applicant is a member of the armed forces of the United States and on active duty. The 72-hour waiting period can be waived by meeting one of three criteria. There is a 72-hour waiting period after the license is issued before the marriage ceremony can take place. If the marriage takes place outside of Texas, contact the appropriate state office, consulate or embassy to learn the marriage requirements for that state or country.
  • Paycheck Stub or Letter of Employment on Company LetterheadĪ formal marriage license can be obtained from any county in Texas and the marriage can be performed anywhere.
  • marriage license in odessa texas

  • Military Orders reflecting Texas as Home of Record.
  • Property Tax Statement or Homestead Exemption.

  • Marriage license in odessa texas